Unpopular opinion incoming:
Dreams are for virtual reality players…
Assuming you’re not a complete screw up, you can look back at any given moment in your life and find some successes—- any type of successes (school, worky-work, that weird baking competition among members of your neighborhood, etc.).
Point is, everyone has times where they got exactly what they wanted BUT few ever get what they dream of.
Time travel back to some of your cherished wins, and really look at them– be objective. What made those things come true? Why didn’t the dream continue— why didn’t you keep on winning after it all?
I have this theory, backed by nothing other than my high self-opinion, that DREAMS are something sold to us to keep us sleeping.
Let me explain.
Wanting more is a good thing. Desire is a good thing. Goals, great!
But dreaming removes you from reality, and the people who make things happen only do so by being ruthlessly connected to reality.
The more you walk in illusion, the deeper you sleep.
Those stupid positive thinking youtube videos always tell you, if you can dream it– you can achieve it. Well, if that were true, why is every internet witch broke?
Why are wokies brokies?
Because it’s a lie.
Seemingly everywhere— you’re told, “DREAM BIG.”
AND you don’t need me to fill this part in… goes something like: “See it, believe it, achieve it” some variation of that garbage…
But If you read about the greats, any of them, literally any one of them– You’ll find a common pattern emerging, all were ruthlessly practical.
They knew who they were, what they’re like, what they’re good at, what & who they’re not AND DREAMS aren’t synonymous with self awareness.
In fact, they’re almost always directly opposite.
If you want to live the dream life, you don’t need to dream bigger or harder– YOU NEED TO WAKE UP.
Dreams are products.
The easiest to sell since you don’t need to convince anyone— everyone wants to believe they’re special but the people who make it know they’re not.
I ONLY ever saw success when I chased improvement, not dreams— REALITY.
I woke up and realized I’m being a loser and I need to change.
You can easily be nothing.
You start as nothing.
Whether you end that way is up to you.
You can easily think you’re good as you are, but the second you accept yourself as special and perfect— is the exact moment you cut the fate yarn string and sit in failure.
If you want anything meaningful, set your alarm.
Wake up to break the sandman’s spell because only then can you do something in this world.