Everyone has that voice in their head— and we all know what it’s like to not be on the same page.
There’s what you want, what that voice allows, and then there’s your player (your best presentation).
Everyones life is a game of musical chairs, where each of us, in different moments, change seats.
Sometimes the watcher sits upfront.
In these moments, you’re not all there.
You sort of clock-in and clock-out –You don’t really hear anything, the things you say don’t mean much, everything is passive.
Let watcher sit there too long, and your life will literally pass you by.
The Player is your game face.
This is you in the zone, all in, no internal storm, monologue, or voices haunting your halls.
It’s fun here.
Most of us wish we could stay living from the best parts of us, and I don’t just mean projecting positivity. I mean subtracting darkness.
Thing is, you’re the combination of all of your voices and the changing settings require changing seats.
When you’re creating, the watcher has insights, untapped potential, transformative energy,
When you’re out living life, the player is who will give you that life you dream about. This is the person who says yes to adventure, flows, is witty and spontaneous, this is your movie star. You need them in the hot seat when you’re doing anything new, when you’re afraid.
But where does that leave you?
You’re the Decider.
It’s up to you to know when to change seats.
It doesn’t matter whether one wants to leave or not, whether one wants to play or not. YOU– the decider, writes your story.
And your awareness of these drivers is what will help you go where you need to go.
So, keep deciding.
Keep changing seats.
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