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Politicking Promotions: Be Yourself at home and no where else…

Hey MF.

If life is like a game, why can’t you win?

See, In our modern world, we’re all playing a game– each and every one of us.

The game has less to do with what you stand for, and more to do with where you stand. To succeed, you need votes in our democratic system. You need the support of a tribe– one that you might call your own.

But they’re not your tribe.

As unfortunate as you might think it is, everyone is playing games. Most people don’t believe what they protest, don’t care about others problems, and unless they stand to benefit– probably don’t give a shit about having a relationship with you.

Hopefully, your small circle of family and friends is excluded.

But the rest of the world? Let’s just say winter is always coming.

You take this personally, but you shouldn’t. If you understand this, it makes it so easy for you to advance yourself and your goals.

Want to partner up with someone? Consider what drives them, what does this person want, what are they desperate for? Some of you will read this and think it machiavellian, which is cute. You’re a hopeless romantic.

This is relationship management, not manipulation.

It’s scary how much easier life gets, when you stop taking everyone and everything so seriously.

It aint serious.

You somehow think democrats are after your freedom, or republicans are after your… birth control? I actually don’t know what they want.

Point is, no one cares. No side cares.

Try to stop being a sheep for a second and remember, those parties are just bullshit organizations that make a living parasiting off society. They need you angry to make money, but even “your own side” doesn’t give a shit about you.

So, what the hell is the point of all this?

Here it is: To succeed in life, we all must play our own games. The game you choose to play, depends on your goals and what kind of life you’d like. BUT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US HAS TO PLAY. Life is a trade off, so what is it you want? Decide. Free yourself up, then go play.

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Lady Gaga had it right… born this way

You have no say in what excites you, it either does or it doesn’t. If we take this logic, how the hell would you then go and do things that already feel dead and passionless?

You’re an observer.

Your only job is to stop judging yourself and let go of the outcome– no one likes a try hard, especially the universe.

With that in mind, heres what it looks like: When you interact with what is meant for you– your entire biological system lights up– you’re excited, engaged, and straight up can’t sleep.

The funny thing is, we completely miss it.

We disqualify what we love, in hopes we find something more complicated… like a long distance relationship.

My senior year of HS is when I first fell in love with writing scripts and directing them. I left that and didn’t go back to it til now….. YEARS LATER.

I guess I had to be sure, now I am.

You’re born this way. Quirks and all.

You are who you are, and your only job is to follow that unique genetic makeup and see what it is that lights you up.

Phuck your ideas, follow the biology.

What gives you energy?

It’s not intellectual, it just is what it is. Don’t judge it or think about, explore it.

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Dart boarding my wavering brain… why can’t you stick?

I love writing so much, I could never do it again.

Do you see your competition? Ever look and see other things you could do?

If you’re anything like me, even a remotely similar personality, then stilling your wavering mind will be your greatest obstacle.

Currently, I’m in a great position… on paper.

I’m financially rev’d up, career growing, and in an environment where I have leverage and the freedom to innovate.

And with all those things considered, I’m painfully bored.

I’m trying to incorporate other things into my life to not phuck up the course I’m on, because ultimately my goals are no longer tied to pleasure– rather autonomy. So I understand, boredom is part of the game.

But shit… it’s painful.

Everyday another battle. Refocusing the mind. Re-reminding yourself why you’re doing what you’re doing.

Re-remembering the past, what pursuing delusion does… outsiders sound philosophical, but they’re almost always broke. That’s fine if you don’t care about money, but I always did– so not an option for me.

Why did I get ahead within a year? Because I left dreamland and pursued practical. I worked on something, each day, by myself– which resulted in a new career.

Given my personality and the weaknesses that come with it, the universe only rewards practical.

Meaning I can’t “All or Nothing” anything.

You have to know your triggers. You have to know where your mind cheats you.

My mind doesn’t like to build, it likes to roam. My life and fulfillment however, depend on me building.

So, when my bullshit mind plays that movie of exotic travel and excitement, all I have to do is remember the bank accounts and what really happens when I listen to that.

You will get ahead to the extent you can see reality.

My spiritual muscle needing development is building.

Yours might be self-care.

Maybe it’s being alone, or development.

I don’t know, we’re all different.

But you DO KNOW what it is, when you’re real with yourself.

Attack that first, and life bends to your will.

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Free roaming is only fun in between main missions

Ever play those free roaming video games? They have those amazing graphics and to some extent, imitate reality?

I used to love the free roaming part.

Especially if the level I had to pass was hard and annoying– you could just steal cars and race cops (Grand Theft Auto).

In the video game of life theres a similar setting equivalent to free roam, float. Floating. Not moving. Not progressing. Avoiding the mission.

A lot of us choose to play the game like this… never fully playing.

The real challenge here is when you get so off course, how the hell do you find the main mission? How do you get back on track?

Unlike video games, it’s not going to be as simple as following an icon on a map.

The way life reveals that guiding icon is through building. The Universe rewards making things… either happen, or from nothing.

If you can move and take on a challenging new role– do it. If you’re unfulfilled and need a side project, build something. It doesn’t have to be a total obsession or passion, just work on something, even casually.

Movement leads to the course.

But whatever you do, don’t convince yourself that your game is just a free roam– theres no such thing.

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Fool me once… deja voo

If you could print a receipt of everything on your mind and you stored it in a shoebox– you’d notice other than the date, the items stay the same.

This is why we never break free.

Your mind plays tricks on you– it has worse cravings than a college stoner, irrational fears worse than a tantrumed toddler, and it resets by the next morning without your permission like a windows update.

So the game you’re really playing is overcoming your settings (mattering mind).

I’ll give you mine as an example. The hardest part is seeing it in yourself, once you do that, then you can work on overcoming it.

I always crave change.

This looks like me obsessing with progress, but there aren’t any metrics for this default setting of mine. So what this really looks like is my mind playing some bullshit fantasy of me moving states, getting a new job, new circle of friends and starting over. The trigger is boredom.

I’ve done this.

I’ve acted on it in the past so I know how this plays out.

Your mind says it leads to success, but what really happens is you throw away all your opportunity and progress to then start from zero.

Your internal movie is counterproductive to your goals.


My goal is freedom and independence, no longer needing a job, and being fulfilled with the work that I do— all of this comes from building.

To get ahead of my default wiring, I withdraw my fear coins and deposit them in this new account: By not submitting and building one thing, you will never have anything that gives you autonomy or freedom.

It’s this simple.

You’ll still use fear, we’re all motivated by it. Only now, you’ll reframe what your mind is saying and leverage it to achieve your goals– your real goals, the ones that are nonnegotiable and never change.

Before you decide anything, you need to see that receipt– the one that shows you where your mind messes with your head.

Either journal or voice record yourself for 30 days.

Just dump whats on your mind, and you will see it.

Stop having deja vu’s… don’t repeat the same day.

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Your parallel universe is the greener grass…

Ass hurt?

Regardless of what side of the fence your feet hang, sitting there is always pointy… don’t get stuck hanging by your pants.

Get off the fence (asshole’s advice) but its the best advice.

Nothing happens sitting on the fence, and thing is– it most likely isn’t as a big a deal as you’re making it.

A lot of us want change– “more life, more errythang‘ (Drizzy Drake). So how does it happen that years pass, and we’re where we are, doing the same old same old?

We think of change as these big all or nothing moments, like moving to a different state, taking on an entirely different career, etc. And maybe that is what you need, but in my experience that type of change always led to me starting back at ZERO.

Lasting Change is incremental.

Use the momentum you have, and make slight improvements, ones that make your life slightly more enjoyable by the day.

So comes my 2022 blueprint.

What small changes would make my current building more enjoyable and engaging?

Figure out what tiny, small, and easy changes you can make. They have to be small otherwise you’ll end up not doing anything or doing it wrong.

Sometimes change is just an edit, not a yes or no life altering decision.

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Your Gut Feeling is hunger not a psychic vision…

Hello students of tarot cards and you whoreascope witches.

You’ve likely had this experience.

Something and something is about to happen, a weird sensation in your gut shocks the “pay attention” signal throughout your entire being– which you nervously do, and then as if by magik you end up avoiding the thing, thus dodging catastrophe.

A few of these moments– and you start to trust that gut instinct entirely.

Now, like a second brain, you’re explaining the stupid shit that you do with “my gut, it feels right.”

Uh huh.

I get it… this was once me. A few eerily real feeling dreams, and I’m ready to wake up and make plans.

But your gut is still a gut… not a crystal ball.

I’m not here to explain away the odd dreams that happen 5 days in a row, or the angel numbers you wake up to. Some things aren’t meant to be explained or studied.

I’m taking on the side of trying to manufacture magical moments into your life… like seeing 4:44 on the clock (just the one time) and then saying it’s the universe demanding change… based on that single moment…

I don’t know, seems reckless even for me.

You know what else figuratively lives in your gut? Desire. Grandiosity. The hunger for achievement.

That’s no small thing, so how can you be sure you’re not mixing “I really wanna” with “I’ve got a feeling” ?

Well, you’ll know if you phucked up the cake when you taste it.

You have to try it, and try to do it safely without committing. Rather than moving states, transferring dreams and goals in one swoop, try it on… on a very small scale.

If you like a type of writing, do it on your own– develop, where you are. Whatever your thing is, try the cake first.

It’s so easy to want something to be true, but fulfillment comes from what is not from what you’d like.

Test every instinct.

Eat before you read that fortune cookie… it could save you.

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Broken Records Suck– But binging your favorite movie is different

Sup MF.

If you can turn down that BTS record, you’ll notice a movie playing in the background– this ones based on what could be a true story.

We’ve got things we kind-a like, kind-a want, kind-a think about, but no real commitment.

Kind-a won’t cut it. Your lame kind-a goals are an intellectual kind– which means you had to convince yourself to do it. Those aren’t real goals, they’re backed by the rational mind… what it takes is desire.

For most things, in fact almost everything, the mind is a broken record.

It plays the same hurt, dreams, aspirations, excuses, etc. It’s always repeating and we hear a new sound each time because we experience different every go around.

There’s not much to be gained from a broken record– other than sameness, which you don’t want… you really don’t want.

But there is a sameness that you ought to pay attention to.

A movie the mind pulls you into– but you try not to watch for too long. It’s a recurring dream, while awake. That thing you always entertain in the back of your mind, but some how fear.

It’s completely normal to fear it– it’s a real dream, it’s supposed to scare you. The reason it does is because you can’t keep your current life and have it.

And that type of uncertainty makes you shaky.

But the alternative is a passionless lifeless existence.

Which… that sound like an alternative to you?

You come alive in those moments of film– seeing it in others. When you interact or see people who resemble something to your movie, you’ll feel it.

It’s your job to give birth to that movie.

That’s why you’re here.

There’s nothing else.

The movie that keeps playing— make it. Record it. Do it.

Stop convincing yourself. Pay attention to what your mind keeps playing, at first, you’ll only see a glance. But when you get good at it, you’ll start to see enough to only see it.

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She can’t keep her hands off me: Lady Luck thinks the real me is hot AF…

Hey MF.

How’s it going?

Are you moving towards acceptance or are you still struggling to change the things about yourself you can’t stand?

The more your life reflects what you’re like– the greater your chances of success.

In other words, you don’t have to change at all… in fact, you shouldn’t. Instead, you need to maximize your chances of success by finding environments that closely match your nature.

Our instincts always point to something being wrong with us, then we sit there trying to edit ourselves– but you didn’t design your biology.

Lady Luck is attracted to authenticity.

Our only job is to maximize each day, and to really do that, all you have to do is be the most you.

Like martial arts? Find various routines, try a bunch of new styles and gyms.

Like building? See what projects excite you right now that you could potentially attach yourself to.

If you like something, do it.

She always comes around when she sees someone fully themselves. It’s her thing, and she can’t help herself.

If you want any kind of good life, you need to start small, and start adding things you enjoy into your day-to-day.

Also, no one is attracted to someone who takes themselves too seriously. Lighten up, loosen up, and play.

–Another MF

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I Shot My Angel In a Place of Worship…

When I pray, I become prey.

Vulnerability is strength but not yours.

What if the “right” shoulder isn’t the right one to turn to? You’re probably familiar with the angel and devil on the shoulder concept, but angel in real life is who you should be afraid of.

The things we habitually do, those are the things that phuck us up. It’s not the risks we think of taking, or the new paths we might try, no. It’s our bullshit saviors (more on that in a bit).

If you want to get ahead in life– you have to shoot your angel. Everyones will look different too, so how can you be sure?

Your angel is a self-protecting, elbow-hugging, delusion thriving, karen-type-of-parent, who used to exist to keep you safe. But safe is no longer sound, especially for personal growth.

So let’s get practical.

How and Why did I shoot my Angel?

First, heres a little bit about the fucker. My angel, if you’re familiar with mbti is Ne. Think of it as a muscle in the brain that is overdeveloped, which means for the most part you can’t see yourself using it.

And I never did.

Ne is a consuming function. It has me waking up at 3 am to search the internet and read up on human behavior. Random things about things– a jerk off muscle that likes patterns and is against building. The problem is not the muscle itself, but by overusing it– you starve the other muscles, and that spells DOOM.

Ne doesn’t build shit.

The more opportunities I see in the world, the more I keep seeing and want to chase. This creates a never ending loop of never building shit.

After years, only then could I see I did this. It took being typed by professionals who first made me aware of this, then my friend who sent me all of our texts– where I could see my random all over the place thinking day by day.

It was a level of cringe that makes you want to cover yourself up.

And after having my mind blown seeing how I actually am for the first time, I loaded up the holy trinity and laid out my angel.

I stopped listening.

I stopped believing in my natural responses.

They’re not real.

And then all of a sudden Morpheus appeared, and offered me some color coded drugs…

But without an angel what the hell do you do? For all of us, it’s about developing your neglected functions. For me, it’s sitting and building. For you, it might be developing yourself– skills, and learning.

It’s different for all of us, and its hard to learn what it is.

What kicked all this off was journaling, you have to start there. Even if it’s not writing, record. Find a way to track yourself and then you’ll see.

You’ll see the delusional games the mind plays.

And only then, can you get ahead in life– because success is about seeing reality.

The Universe rewards those who play in real life, so get out of your head. Good luck, happy Angel Hunting.

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Rules For Your Motion: How To Stay Advancing

Hello MF.

I really do feel like I’m aging in reverse, because it’s hard for me to take any of my own obstacles seriously.

All the compound interest finally caught up with me, now all I see is facts of nature– and what needs to be done as insurance around that.

With that said, here’s a wisdombite: If you can’t do it on your own, assume it’ll never get done.

Everything good in my life came from sitting my ass down and doing the work. Easier said than done for a lot of us.

You likely don’t know where to start, especially if you have a new goal or want something you’ve never done before.

Yesterday I realized how ruthlessly impartial time is. It’ll pass by whether you use it or not, and waiting for an answer is something Father Time is disgusted by. Do that, and you’ll certainly age to the end of life as the same person.

So I asked myself the most important question: Knowing my goal, what could I do everyday, by myself, that would lead to its accomplishment?

And the brain being the remarkable organ it is, gave me the answer.

Now my goal is something I control. I have something I can measure, and move towards all the while getting better.

This is how you advance.

If you’re wondering why nothings happened, it’s because you’re waiting.

Pick any goal, and then ask the very same question above. Like this, you will certainly move forward.

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Who Do You Wanna Be When You Glow Up?

Self Transformation comes through your work– so who do you want to be?

I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but most people claim the most common traits among us all as unique to them, and don’t dare claim their own weirdness.

You being a kinda good speaker is meaningless, so are all extroverts. You people watching and taking on the traits of others as an actor, to then try to work into their minds, thats more what we’re looking for.

See, you’ve been tricked and lied to.

Convinced that the things that make you weird are a bad thing, something to hide. But now, at this point in your life– those are the very traits you’ll have to bring out to the surface if you want to succeed.

Deep down all of us crave ourselves.

We crave the parts of us we repressed growing up– every single one of us. That’s how you explain why some people date total opposites, or have strong obsessions with certain shows and characters.

The human being is a projector– and our world is a reflection of our mind.

We say we want to get better, we say we need to find ourselves.

Truth is, it was there the whole time.

And if you want to transform, you want to become what you truly are, you need to stop judging yourself, screw the culture, and bring it out.

Here’s the strangest part of it all. By bringing the inside out, you end up fulfilling the other aspects of life by proxy.

We transform through authenticity not cold showers and morning routines. We transform the more connected our individuality is to the things we do.

I FINALLY understand this.

And now the thing I’ve wanted my entire life is within my grasp. I always valued a fulfilling career– but in my youth, I wanted success by any means, more. Chasing others paths led me to straying from my own uniqueness.

Comparison is not only the thief of joy, but the thief of self.

If you explore your own weirdness, traits you once rejected, you’ll not only open all these facets of untapped creativity– you’ll find what it is you’re looking for.

My career was always going to be what it is. The signs were there. But I could have never landed here, without embracing myself.

Want a life of ecstasy?

Start with you.

Find Your Weird.

Fools Gold

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You’ll land on you– eventually…

What’s up MF,

The other day I came across a high value youtube channel– from an entrepreneur, talking about “what it takes.”

This content is gold, especially today in our unemployable status seeking times.

One of his videos was on belief, and suddenly the light hearted jokey vibes turned dark, and he went from relatable to 1% achiever… in a good way.

He doesn’t play with “I AM” statements.

Like he wouldn’t even repeat what a group of friends said about themselves at dinner, because those particular beliefs don’t serve him.

His only I AM statements were beliefs that could help to reach his goals, if they don’t do that in any capacity– he throws that shit out and never says it again. Watching this, of course I was even more interested.

My old ways of thinking tempted me to copy this asap.

I used to try out anything I learned, something like this would have been right up my alley to immediately adopt.

But I’m passed that and that’s not what this post is. What this is about is landing on you.

You’ll land on you– eventually.

Everyone succeeds doing it their own way– authenticity is what beats competition. Don’t throw out your path to do it someone elses way, even when you’re low– it won’t bring you success.

The alternative doesn’t mean you have to sit there and be a loser.

Listen to yourself and pursue your own inclinations, that’s how you win and discover your own potential.

You’re drawn to the tools and people that are for you, just don’t get swallowed by it.

Follow yourself.

welcome to being adult - Dog Walking Self | Meme Generator

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đź“ť But What Goal Could You Stick With?

Hi MF.

Do you have weak ass goals?

Everyone’s taught the importance of goals– but sometimes the reason you don’t stick has nothing to do with how hard you worky-work or your lack of discipline. Sometimes you fall out of love– and I don’t see this talked about enough.

The measure of a goal has nothing to do with how bad you say you want it, but whether or not it actually motivates you?

And for a while mine didn’t, don’t, and kept failing. Sure. You’re always motivated in the beginning because change is exciting.

But then you keep seeing shiny objects everywhere, maybe your thing isn’t the thing. My solution for us bright lookers is this: Don’t chase the means, but the end.

I always want to try a new path. Always.

I’m realizing my mind’s default is to fall in love with the idea of something entirely new, but this makes it hard as shit not to cheat on my current path. The solution?

What don’t you change on?

The end.

I’ve always wanted a very specific lifestyle and that’s never changed. So the daily reminder to myself is to move towards that lifestyle, and every decision will be held in contrast to that goal.

Does this action move me towards this life that I really wanna?

You have to bank on your weaknesses, and tbh your goals should act as an insurance policy around them.

All the successes that I have had came when I not only considered my bad habits– but counted on them. I got into writing because I knew no matter what, I could stick with it– despite being moody and all over the place.

Even with all the internet turds selling goal setting (#barsAF) –goals are still highly underrated. The right goal will improve just about every aspect of your life.

We’re human beings– we need to move towards something, but it has to be the right thing. So if you struggle to stay moving toward one thing, pick a thing you don’t change on.

Pick the end, and then considering where you normally struggle or fail– what would be the best way to reach that end?

IF you’re honest with yourself, this is all it’ll take.

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Fishes in Trees, Monkeys in Seas: Finding Your Zone of Genius

Hi Fool,

It’s been a while since we did one of these.

Last week I had my 1 year anniversary as a writer… tears of joy, but tears are tears. Anyways, it got me thinking as celebrations of life always do– where am I? and more importantly, what’s next?

I came across an idea that spoke to me very deeply, and this has become the primary focus.

Zone of Genius.

This is not my idea, just something I’m sharing. That said,

There are four zones:

  1. Zone of Incompetence.
  2. Zone of Competence.
  3. Zone of Excellence.
  4. Zone of Genius.

Zone of Incompetence are the things that other people probably do better than you (ie- fix your car), and therefore you should outsource if they don’t give you joy.

Zone of Competence are the things that you do just fine, but others are as good as you (ie- clean your bathroom) and therefore you should outsource if they don’t give you joy.

Zone of Excellence are the things that you are excellent at (ie- better than others), but don’t love doing.  This is the danger zone.  Many people will want you to keep doing these things (as they gain significant value from you doing them, ie- key functions in your job), but this is the area that you should also look to move away from.  This is the hard one!

Zone of Genius are the things that you are uniquely good at in the world, and that you love to do (so much so that time and space likely disappear when you do them).  This is where you can add most value to the world and yourself.  This is where you should be driving toward spending most, if not all, of your time.

Recruit some outside help to help you find your zone of genius. Send these questions–

In your interactions with me:

  • What do I do that you experience as “world-class”?  
  • What do I do where I appear to be experiencing fun, peace or joy (if different from above)?
  • What do I do that I am good at but that I don’t appear to enjoy?
  • What do I do that I am not better than others?
  • What do I do that I am actually worse than others?”

Life’s too short to not live out who we are.

Stay Foolish.

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Under the Influence & Ur Cheap Hollywood Dreams

You have to be afraid of your way to stop doing it, and why? Because your lame and fluffy cloud-head isn’t moving you forward.

I think society is slowly retiring the word “dreams” — in the future, maybe we only use it when explaining deja vu’s and our untapped psychic powers.

Dreams are cheap.

Besides entertainment value, they contribute next to nothing for our lives. In fact, they may even do more harm than good.

Some of us feel oddly accomplished just by having a dream, it keeps you from feeling like a total loser because theres something to hold onto…. even though it isn’t real. I think the nature of dreams makes us delay all action.

I’ve seen this in everyone I know.

They point to a bigass star– and obviously need a lot of rocket fuel to get there… but they also need a rocket, a rocket license, and a map.

Maybe they plan.

So they “do the google” and find the “how to do this dream of urz breakdown.” And now they know, it takes this much $$ and you’ll need various resources– of which you have none. Years pass, they’re pursuing the having of these resources… and now they’re too old for the dream, so they say.

Have they moved forward and really even tried?

Of course not.

This is what dreams do for most people.

They cloud your head, vision, and life. They make you obsess over something but without working towards it and honestly, they’re completely unnecessary.

Fuck a dream, dream a goal.

Practically set a goal for yourself that’s worth achieving and never stop til you get it. We’re human beings– we need carrots on a stick to chase. It’s better if you don’t totally love it, but just want it for practical reasons. This will keep you level and unemotional– which leads to better strategy and action.

By nature, everyones default is to fall in love with their dream. That’s a failure formula waiting to be concocted.

All you need to do is build something you’re built to build, and you’ll reach a goal. Do this and somehow the universe will miraculously reward your efforts and your life will be better than anything you’ve ever dreamed of.

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Destiny Thieves: Why is Everyone a fangirl?

This little light of mine…

…can’t shine if yours is brighter.

Even the “successful” people fall prey to this. They dedicate their lives studying and copying other successful people.

We went from: What would Jesus do? to What would Marcus Aurelius do?

And because we’re living in this weird time where everything is documented and copy-able, its seen as good practice to emulate your favorite dead person.

I don’t believe your success if your life shadows someone else.

The fact that so many of these people, still wealthy and seemingly successful, hold onto dear life proves they don’t really live.

“I want to live forever” is a disguise for “I don’t live at all”.

No one who copies other people lives fully– they’re disconnected from who they are and thus what they’re meant to do.

I’ve coined this phrase: Destiny thieves. People who copy other successful peoples path, and sacrifice their own in the process. Trading your light, your sun, to become a planet in someone else’s orbit.

Fangirling is at best, a hobby, don’t make a career out of it.

The type of fulfillment that comes from being connected to your work isn’t something that can be manufactured.

It hits different.

So, forget “what would turd do” and ask yourself what could I do?

The call is for those who hear it.

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If Fear is the mind killer… this is the Life liquidator ⛔️

I love DUNE. I’ve read all the books way before there was ever even talks of a movie, but that movie was fire too.

That said, your only mind killer isn’t fear.

It’s also the wrong attitude.

It’s insane how much this impacts every single aspect of your life.

A negative attitude will just about crush any chance of improvement. It’ll cause you to spit in the face of opportunity and cheat on the rented time allotted to you.

I wouldn’t worry so much about fear. Wasting life is a far more imminent danger– and it’s easy to do nowadays, mix in your shit outlook and you’ve just about done it.

A negative attitude is a life liquidator.

I write a lot about attitude because it’s easily one of the hardest things for me to maintain. Different minds have different wiring, and mine is wired to play compare and contra—st-I-don’t-have-that.

It’s SUPER lame.

It’s not like I’m staring at Lambos crying about my all too present desire for one, it’s more being in love with the idea of fulfillment.

Anyone else relate to that?

You’re in love with the concept of love, but not actual love.

REAL life demands compromise– you can refuse all you want, but then be alone, living off grid, cooking the milk.

I think we’re all guilty of forgetting this.

The Trade.

There is and always will be a pay to play, and if you don’t want to it’s fine, but you can’t complain when you’re instantly disqualified.

We all want our cake and to eat it too.

But it comes down to the game you think is worth playing for— wanna be fulfilled? What game aren’t you playing?

And how can you be entered?

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Cigarette Smoking Drama Students

You know the type. Social outcasts, everything is “Lame, dude” and their version of excitement is blasting hard metal while laying flat, poured over a meadow.

Each of us has this. Even if you weren’t this person in high school– it’s in you.

We’re in love with our inner goth.

I’ve been learning about personality types recently, and how to overcome oneself. The way they teach this is your brain has different muscles responsible for different things.

Some muscles are overdeveloped, while others are nearly nonexistent. Your overdeveloped muscles are the problem. The reason you keep having the same recurring life obstacles is because you don’t address this inner imbalance— the inner goth.

Your go-to way of living is using that over-developed muscle. Think of that as your “inner popular kid” or jock.

Given a choice between jock or goth, most without thinking will jocko every time. Problem is, gotho is what leads to building.

If for example, you’re some ultra extrovert, always out and about, hanging, eventually you have to pull back and be alone… at least some of the time. Otherwise when will you build?

Or maybe you’re this curious person. Always taking in new information, well if you want to use any of that– you’ll have to sit down and organize the thing some time.

Our mind CAN shift between different modes, but most of us refuse. We’d rather keep doing jocko and because of that, we get stuck.

Now you’re binge-watching motivation videos all day, and addicted to “getting better” but you’re not actually doing shit.

Improvement isn’t a book or video. It’s goth. It’s taking that weak muscle of the brain and feeding it.

If you find yourself having any inner conflict or you’re stuck in life. Incongruence is likely the problem– who have you been neglecting?

Jocko or gotho? Either way, everyone has to be able to play.

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Dancing With Delusion: How To Alpha Fear Forward

Each and every one of us is motivated by fear, and the majority of our lives is determined by how we interact (or don’t) with our fear.

Everyone wants The Hero’s Journey in theory, but we consciously cheat on it every single day.

We live like kids but crave adult lives and then wonder why we’re depressed. Your frustration comes from incongruence, you’re not living by what you value.

A child fears being stuck. That same child as an adult fears not building anything to ever secure freedom in the future. It’s the same fear, but better developed so that one can move forward.

That is the idea behind ALPHA fears.

With the latter, you’ll end up embracing opportunity and sticking to whatever necessary to have some successful future. The child fear will lead you to frogger job-ing and thus always starting over.

We have to bring out what’s in us, and to do that we have to destroy what doesn’t match up with it.

There’s no middle ground.

There’s no reality where you have it all.

Everything in life is a trade off. To be fulfilled, and become an individual you have to leave. You have to go on your own journey and a lot of times that means the tribe will hate you.

You’ll lose friends and family, but in the end it’s worth it, because you’ll become someone you admire and respect.

Take whatever you fear, and blow it up– alpha fear it. Worried about people not liking you? How about you living a shit life and not ever being able to help anyone because you never evolved? Fearing being stuck? How about never building anything and having nothing because you always chase random delusions.

Alpha your fears and then use them to take action.

We’re supposed to burn in the flames of uncertainty. That’s where we evolve as human beings.

Take the call.

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