Behold a little fortune cookie quote from probably a bumper sticker:
“Movement cures all.”
I’ve noticed this concept applies to every aspect of my life, and will save you potentially thousands from would-be self help goo-roo books.
First, let’s understand the problem.
Why do we get stuck?
Here’s a solid explanation from google: We can be trapped in a situation just by a way of thinking. This leaves us unable to see another way, move (literally or metaphorically), or change. And, it usually leads to repeating the same situation or thinking, over and over again.Â
Short answer: thinking.
No one’s ever thought themselves into their goals…. or into living a full life.
I’ve tried it, can confirm it doesn’t work.
Something that’s trained into us unnaturally is hesitation. That’s not part of our primal nature, but after our graduating obedience training k-12, we become hypothetical dreamers, and literal lames.
Your task is to revert to your ignorance.
That childlike innocence that is excited about the world and then from there, MOVE.
MOVE anywhere. Do things, try things, experiment.
The reason you suck at the game of life is because you’re afraid. This game was meant to be played with ignorant boldness.
TURN OFF THAT INNER MONOLOGUE and turn on the play.
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