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Tag: passion

Finding The Game You’re the Player For

Like for many of us, my childhood self is embarrassing.

It wasn’t necessarily the 24/7 resting angry face, the bad attitude, or the thinking he was above everything… those were bad, but not embarrassing.

His worst trait was his inability to enjoy the present and quit taking himself so seriously.

I’ve grown a lot since then, but I still periodically slip into it.

I always wanted success– but I didn’t understand it at all. See, back then I thought success was just see something, do it, take it. I didn’t think about concepts like passion, authenticity, or value. Those were hippie words to me back then.

I’ll make this short and spare you my memory lane: We can only really succeed being authentic. If you don’t like yourself– you don’t know yourself.

You need to find those unique to you traits, and leverage them.

Too many of us try to change the wrong things, or we straight up ignore important defining traits.

My challenge to you– what makes you, you?

Start with that, use it.

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2yrs of High School… For Life

During my junior year, I had a history teacher I really admired. He was strict, didn’t believe in multiple choice tests or group work and his class was a hard one.

Right when the school year began –most teachers assigned taking home a syllabus, he assigned a 7 page paper due that week.

The average score on his test was a 70% and that’s after 4 hours of study.

Students dropped his class like flies.

I wanted to– but my mom convinced me otherwise.

Sure enough, that one teacher and his one class changed everything for me. It was hard, took dedication– but throughout the school year I improved.

My only goal became to get an A in his class, but by learning how to learn for his assignments– success spread over to other areas.

That year I had a 4.0 GPA. Even math (a usual struggle) became easy. I felt good about myself, not because I enjoyed studying or doing all that work– but because I could trust myself to take on difficulty and work.

So naturally, when recruits from a high school/college program came looking for students– I signed up.

And so, I found myself in college for my senior year of high school.

A little different this year, having remnants of my newfound ability to learn but unchecked needs for popularity, I went all out.

Here, I played.

I was popular, had my groups, took massive risks… and rather than study– I created.

If there was any chapter throughout my entire childhood that was awesome and worth reliving– it was this one, no question. That year I was Rockstar, and not a single day felt like work.

The combination of these 2 years is how I intend to live the rest of my life.

There are things that demand dedication, and it’s medicinal to do so. For me, this is muay thai. As my junior year shows, just one area of total dedication will positively infect all other aspects of your life.

That creation period from senior year– that’s what I want from my career. I want to constantly play and innovate, come up with fun projects and build with my team.

These 2 years are all I ever needed to understand what creates fulfillment.

Now I finally do.

Total commitment to the present. Total submission to your path.

No fantasizing, no wishing for a different life.

BE here, now, and fully.

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The Cycle of Success: Let Go, Upgrade, then Advance

Remember when you wanted this?

Everything you have right now, this journey you are on– this used to be all of it.

Your process worked.

It took a ridiculous amount of trail and error, self-improving, starting and stopping different habits, introspecting, learning who you are, chasing the wrong goals, but all that led to the path.

If you want to make it– if you’re looking for a successful life, start where you are.

The key difference looking back that would have saved me tons of time and got me on this very same path, only sooner– is this: Build where you are, and do what you’re like.

Do you know why you don’t start?

You haven’t submitted.

It’s not about dedication or commitment, it’s about submitting to the idea that there is nothing else. That this path is the only path.

It’s about intentionally blocking out all other options and making the most of your journey.

What this looks like is– you look at what traits you have, things you do everyday, and consider both your strengths and weaknesses.

My path is me.

It’s a reflection of who I am to the core– that’s partly why I got out.

Want success?

First, submit.

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Don’t Stare At the Tsunami

Most people are fortunate enough to NOT know how they’ll respond in moments of crisis. We all watch those movies and wonder what the hell kind of reaction is freezing?

You know those end of the world movies–

where a giant wave is about to wipe a city and some people just stand there staring at the impending doom?

It’s easy to judge in this situation, but it’s the same with our internal storms.

If you stand still the waves will swallow you, but if you ride them– you’ll rise.

There are things we can and can’t change. If your mental landscape is hurricane capitol, you’re not suddenly going to become a calm person who’s chillin and livin’ 24/7.

Ignoring the storm doesn’t make it disappear.

Leveraging it as aqua power is everything. That’s the game I’m playing– I’m constantly looking at how to take my inconveniences and make them work for me.

I talk a lot– and share a lot. So, instead of letting that go to waste, I started creating content (and shifted my career goals to suit my nature). Same thing with my need to move– muay thai.

Everything you do should have a connection to who you are.

Resisting the waves will riptide you away from shore, but surrendering to self-awareness and then swimming with the current will help you make something out of your life.

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Practicing Social Dis-comfortably

A lot of people prescribe action as the end-all be-all to whatever symptoms of pain and discomfort they might have.

But if you’re naturally impulsive, I’d pause on that.

A skill I’ve been practicing over the course of the last year is sitting with my discomfort.

You don’t always have to act– sometimes it’s better not to. Actually, when you’re agitated and tired, you should probably just step away from whatever thing you’re deciding and SLEEP ON IT.

That’s been a game changer for me.

We could all benefit hugely if we stopped taking our feelings as facts– they’re not facts, but data. If you feel agitated, there is a reason but it’s likely not the one you’ll land on.

Restless? You could be doing more– figure out how.

Agitated? Did you sleep, cross your own values, what are you missing?

There is always a reason we feel the way we do, rather than diagnosing it as you hate your life– figure out what specifically causes that feeling.

Sometimes sitting with it is all you need to address it.

I’ve always struggled with all or nothing thinking– if I felt a certain way, it meant my life was that way.

But that’s crap.

Life is actually pretty simple.

Define what’s important, and figure out how to start adding that into your day to day.


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Your World is a Mirror

The genre of our lives comes from the mood of our minds.

Matrix-y? Maybe.

But the truth is, the universe is indifferent. Whatever it is you’re seeing and experiencing, that’s not reality.

That’s your mood reflected back to you.

You know those fortune cookies? Your attitude determines your altitude, well… as lame as they are– it’s true.

You won’t do anything in life if you hate it.

Everything we have and everything we are will come from how we approach the world.

I was always ambitious, and yet for years nothing happened. Because deep down, I resisted my own life. I had a craving to retreat, to pull away, to disappear and be alone. That conflicted with my desires to achieve.

Inner conflict usually results in no movement.

I didn’t entirely resolve this either, but I started moving forward when I figured out how to fake it.

You don’t have to lie to the world, you just have to trick your mind.

You have to choose to be lighter, not take things so seriously, and free yourself up to new experiences.

We’re all writers, our lives are our scripts and we’re the main characters.

But we live as if someone wrote us a shitty script that we’re stuck with?

What can’t be edited?


If you don’t like where you are, how you’re living, or what you continually seem to struggle with– rewrite your script.

Life bends to our will.

That’s the secret.

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The Master Key To Success Is 2nd Hand Wisdom

I’d be willing to bet the most important thing to your success is clarity– your ability to see things as they really are.

Reality is neutral, but the human mind isn’t and we see reflections of our own thoughts and feelings in the world.

Our experiences become our reality.

And this is how the human being gets caught in their own web.

We live these matrix lives, where day in and day out it’s pretty much more of the same.

We face the same kinds of problems, conflicts, and even come up with the same kinds of solutions. We never think anything new, and if you really look– you’ll see your life is just you re-running the same program in different environments.

You might wonder why does it even matter?

Well, If you love your life it doesn’t. But if you desire for more and at that, actual achievement… it matters a lot.

There is a way to change this, but it’s hard and requires outside help.

I don’t mean your goo-roo.

You need help from future you… but not the successful one, the failure.

You need to get outside of yourself, see yourself, and then make adjustments and plans from that vantage point.

A few years back, I met someone a lot like me. At the time I didn’t see it, but they might as well have been me– aged to 40.

He had my same personality type, and with that, same life obstacles.

While he was incredibly witty and capable, he never built anything. He was always jumping from thing to thing, had all these ideas he never finished, and even though he knew how to laugh at the world– there was an underlying intensity you could feel.

I of course, saw no similarity.

But he did.

And he was smart enough to tell me you’ll want to create systems to stop you from jumping around– basically, know your weaknesses and act accordingly.

I didn’t listen.

So, I started to make his mistakes.

I did that for a few years, until finally I saw it. I could see that my mind did this.

And this is where success began. I could actually see myself aging into him, and to avoid that because I do want a fulfilling and successful life– I’m sticking. His problem is he never stays the course, he has too many ideas and acts on all of them all the time.

His problem, is potentially mine.

In your head you can’t see yourself.

Seeing him, my problem becomes real.

The reality is my mind is overactive and always imagines better paths– but these paths CAN’T cause you to leave your current one.

Looking at his life, I’ve seen how this all ends. It ends with wasted potential.

So, thanks to his second hand wisdom, I’m sticking to my lane. Everything else is just interesting, but not an option.

Learn from future you by meeting them.

The ability to see the world through a neutral lens is EVERYTHING.

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Un-stucking yourself? Any Direction will do…

Behold a little fortune cookie quote from probably a bumper sticker:

“Movement cures all.”

I’ve noticed this concept applies to every aspect of my life, and will save you potentially thousands from would-be self help goo-roo books.

First, let’s understand the problem.

Why do we get stuck?

Here’s a solid explanation from google: We can be trapped in a situation just by a way of thinking. This leaves us unable to see another way, move (literally or metaphorically), or change. And, it usually leads to repeating the same situation or thinking, over and over again. 

Short answer: thinking.

No one’s ever thought themselves into their goals…. or into living a full life.

I’ve tried it, can confirm it doesn’t work.

Something that’s trained into us unnaturally is hesitation. That’s not part of our primal nature, but after our graduating obedience training k-12, we become hypothetical dreamers, and literal lames.

Your task is to revert to your ignorance.

That childlike innocence that is excited about the world and then from there, MOVE.

MOVE anywhere. Do things, try things, experiment.

The reason you suck at the game of life is because you’re afraid. This game was meant to be played with ignorant boldness.

TURN OFF THAT INNER MONOLOGUE and turn on the play.

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What Everybody Ought to Know About Self Improvement

The sheer volume of online personality tests available is insane.

There’s a test for everything.

From the bullshit “spirit animal” buzzfeed quizzes to self-soothing myers briggs “science” … we’re a generation looking for improvement.

Unfortunately, that’s not what results from these tests (pun intended).

Instead, we end up trying to over-identify with something stupid and then we become these weird mascots of some obvious archetype…. and now you’re not a whole ass person.

We start the rabbit hole in search of self betterment, but get lost in “proud of who I am.”

It’s cheap.

The problem with self improvement is this– definition. See, most of these tests shouldn’t exist. We forget what it is we’re trying to improve and when something like a good ol’ internet assessment tells us, “actually you’re not lazy–you’re an intellectual,” you end up defending being a loser.

In this sense, self improvement isn’t real.

After braces, we have a better smile– but those are still our teeth. Genetically, you have f**ked up teeth, but the braces kept them in line.

Don’t look for self-improvement, look to build systems (having things in place that maximize your character and make you your best version).

That’s what we all get wrong.

We don’t need better personalities or to change who we are.

We need better attitudes and systems to guide our behavior. That’s the only reason it’s important to know yourself– but this knowledge can’t be “tested online.”

This is you writing or being with yourself, and gradually getting to know yourself. What environments do you thrive in? Where do you suck?

Typing your date wouldn’t help you know them on any meaningful level.

It’s the same with yourself.

Don’t go cheap, go deep.

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Fake Interest To Take Interest

Look, we all want engaging and fulfilling lives.

No one wants an existence of passionless routines.

But the level of fulfillment you’ll get doesn’t come from you matching to the right environment, it comes from you submitting totally to your current one.

It’s the weirdest and strangest law of nature.

Somehow, as a human being, you can role play your way into a new life.

The truth is, this VR world doesn’t have any rules for how you choose to approach the game and yet most people do it the same— they’re background characters in their own stories.

Imagine choosing to dominate instead, choosing to shine, choosing to go all out.

It’ll feel weird and unsafe to put yourself out there at the forefront because we’re raised not to do this.

You’ll have to fake it, but the advantages are endless. More opportunities, abundance, you’ll learn more skills, be more connected with others, and literally create a life of excitement from nothing but your own will.

Your childlike approach is the key, and I’m getting good at this myself.


Remember how you did that as a kid. We could pretend to be superheroes and just play.

If this was all a game– is this who you’d want to play as?

You are the person you imagine in your mind, your task is to bring that out. Do that, and you’ll create the life you dream of.

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Life’s Antidote: What Got You Results?

Sometimes we two-step and fall back on our way forward.

I often fall into my default ways, but quickly catch myself with this reminder.

My big-thinking, my wishes and dreams– they feel good to live in, but only momentarily. Not only is this not real, but it’s robbed me of anything meaningful.

I’m talking about dreams.

The dreams you have but never act on.

Some say keep those alive, feed the fire– I say extinguish it. If you’re not already acting on them in some way, they are likely delusions…. then again, only you can know what’s real.

I don’t have all the answers, but it’s ultra-clear and plain-as-day-obvious that ONE cocktail-mix is responsible for all my progress in my life.

And that is:

Practicality + Commitment.

The practicality is the ability to see reality. We think we can– we can’t.

Not fully.

This is a skill that must be developed.

The clearer you can see reality, the more successful you’ll become. And the second part is commitment.

You dreamers might relate to this.

Before I had my thing (core skills and practices I could commit to), all I did was dream. I’d imagine traveling to new places, living a wild life of adventure, and doing it all. My life was some action movie, and me the hero.

Think of it this way: We’re made to commit. Babies are born as raw potential, but we only “become” something (self-actualize) through choosing a path and sticking to it.


Turns out, submission is true freedom.

The craving for my movie would get so strong, oftentimes It’d possess me and I’d move.

Then, finding myself in a new state and alone– clarity would follow. Here: I wasn’t adventurous or happy, rather miserable and pissed off. I couldn’t understand why I needed to come here. Why did I not see what I actually had?

It was like as soon as you sobered up from the call, you found that all you did was isolate yourself in a foreign land. Worse of all, now you lost all your progress and have to start over.

Which is why with this post I want to remind you: MIND WHAT WORKED.

What got you ahead in life?

Where did your progress come from?

It likely wasn’t jumping around, or doing something all or nothing. Change is incremental.

When we stagnate, we dream. That’s our default. But instead of doing something potentially regrettable, start where you are. Add small tweaks, the future is in the moment.

There is no where else to go, just lean in.

Life is here, if you engage– it’ll find you.

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Never Relapse: Remembering Where You Came From

Note to self: “calling / purpose” is great, but that comes after you secure the bag.

The other day, my best friend came over and we kicked it. He and I have very similar journeys and right now are experiencing similar financial successes (by no accident– we both want freedom).

Before we got into it, laughing at our shared search history– my mind went down its default mode of thinking: wanting more, not sure how to get it, not sure whats more even look like…

…and before I knew it, I was feeling angry at not knowing my “why” and “calling.” Even after all my growth, it goes to show you it’s still easy to slip up into your negative patterns (especially when you start looking at others successes, never compare yourself dammit!).


Soon, I found myself feeling those all-too familiar moods– the unhappy restlessness coming from my obsessive need for some bullshit purpose.

But he and I started talking, and I quickly let it go because I don’t want to make myself miserable worrying about finding some all or nothing idiotic passion.

We started talking about how quickly our lives changed as a result of being practical.

We laughed at our old struggles, how we used to meet up complaining about finding our spiritual mission in life— while being broke AF.

And then we both realized in that moment, DAMN we made it out! STOP and realize you made it out.

I’m never going back to how I used to be!!!!

Just remembering where I’m coming from, the things I used to complain about, how I used to view things– I will never do that again.

Building might not be the most fun thing you do, but it’s waaay better than searching. We used to obsess over finding a calling– when we never needed that, truth is neither of us cared. I don’t know how we got so hung up on that step in the first place.

Get your money right first.

Maybe for some of you calling does come first, but the way we are and were– we only ever prioritized freedom– so it’s strange that we were stuck on something that never motivated us in the first place.

After laughing at our dumbass selves and realizing how far we’ve come, that perspective filled me with massive gratitude.

And now, I’m back on track.

So, a quick reminder when you’re feeling like shite about your life: Remember where you’re coming from.

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Feeding Your Wolves

Inside me there are two wolves.

One hungers for a life of discipline, mastery, and total submission to my craft. The other craves adrenaline, adventure, and to live out my own movie life.

These wolves are radically different by nature, don’t belong to the same pack but equally need to be fed.

It used to be one or the other. I’d choose one and “free” the other– hoping it’d disappear and join another pack….. They don’t.

You won’t starve one off either, just make them hungrier… and harder to control.

You’re born to these wolves, they’re apart of you. You don’t get to pick and choose or trade with other packs, because like it or not, they are what drives you.

Feed your wolves.

Find what they hunger for and feed them both. Make the mistake of favoring one, and you’ll find yourself at the mercy of the other.

Your becoming is a result of leading your pack, they have to work together. The only way to do that, is design a life where both wolves can co-exist and be satisfied.

Want that movie life? Star as the main character– be bold, stand out, take new risks every single day. As for mastery, commit yourself to a few disciplines. It isn’t one or the other, there is no right way or wrong way. It’s actually simple…

…What do they hunger for?

Feed them.

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Dorks Quirky Superpowers

Looking back, I realize it’s the traits you don’t like about yourself that actually show your individuality– and this should be your primary focus and starting point when pursuing fulfillment.

The things that make us unique, we’re often taught to be ashamed of. It makes sense too– since no one has that weird thing you do, you should probably tuck that away in the olé’ subconscious… you know, if you want to make friends and get a job.

But that weirdness is what’s required to stand out and become who you are.

My career is an exact reflection of my individuality, which is why I find it so fulfilling. Before this, I tried to chase what looked cool… What I thought would be fun, I copied others because I wanted their success.

And that was uber-depressing…. and even worse, it didn’t use my weirdness, which made work, play, and my entire day LIFELESS.

You end up feeling disconnected, because that lifeforce that makes everything engaging, creative, and playful is your own authenticity and that can only come from your inner dork.

When we’re young, we’re naturally connected to this. It’s not something we intellectualize or even have to think about, but our “roles” are eventually forced on us and we gradually forget.

What no one says is this, you DO have to be an actor to the public just not with yourself.

We’re social creatures, and part of success is playing the game.

But that dorkness is what will breathe life into your existence. It’s hard to explain what this is, only you can know it– since it’s radically different for all of us.

For one of my close friends, his weird trait that he never considered unique is he thinks his way into others minds. It’s automatic, not something he wants to do or even tries to do. But sure enough, when we’re out and he sees other individuals, his mind automatically connects how they got to this moment with who they are, and how they must experience the world.

His mind tries to view life through their lenses.

For me, my mind is a role player. When I was a kid, I always knew how to present things to get desired outcomes. I knew how things had to look and feel to get specific results. I knew this, because everyone looked like a character, and with enough understanding– connecting was easy.

This weirdness can be anything– it can be an obsession with a subject, an automatic skill, a driver or curiosity– but you will know it, because it’s always been with you.

Stop dressing up your own resume with yourself– we do this too much. “Well, I’m naturally a leader” yeah, that won’t help you.

You’re looking for the thing you never voiced.

Get weird, and start there.

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Building Sandcastles

Want different things?

I used to feel conflicted between my desires– I wanted the “ignorant lifestyle” (fast life, mansion, cars, etc.) and the one of deep fulfillment… and I’ve since solved for that.

The answer isn’t in what you want– it’s the end result you’d enjoy.

Do I love training muay thai? Kinda-sorta. There are definitely days I’d love to skip, but I don’t. When I see how my masterful instructors move about with ease and power, I remind myself why I need and want this.

I want that end result.

It’s sort of the same thing with my career– I enjoy the everyday, but keeping that end result in mind, it makes it easy for me to stay the course through the tough days… and there are definitely days I question my course.

It’s okay to not love every single minute of everyday, happiness is a moment but fulfillment is a lifetime.

Fulfillment is far more valuable and it comes from something entirely different than happiness— it comes from deep engagement.

I’ve had to train myself to play different games to get to this point of my life, and I’m lucky it was within my control.

For starters, I ask myself: How can I maximize each day?

There’s always going to be things you hate doing, what could you do that would make that day more enjoyable? The other day, I was sore and ultra-fatigued and really didn’t want to go to muay thai.

On the drive there, I kept thinking how I could make it more fun.

When I arrived, my solution was the same as for everything else in my life. I engaged more with everyone. Lots of play and humor– and sure enough, a second wind came and I rode it to the top of joy and excitement.

It’s simple, not easy.

But you can train yourself to do this.

I play towards my goals.

That’s how I intend on designing, and living the rest of my life. I know who I am at my best, and to honor that everyday– I keep certain habits and routines in place.

More importantly, I practice a playful mindset.

Others go miserable wanting things, I’m just focused on my own sandbox and having fun building sandcastles.

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Speaking (of) Into Existence?

It’s a thing.

I don’t think you can literally tongue magic millions of dollars before you just be chanting a phrase, but it looks like there is something to saying your goals out loud.

A strange lil’ trick for behavior change in psychology is leveraging social contracts. We tend to not want to be hypocrites– so when we repeatedly tell others we’re going to do something, we increase our likelihoods of doing it.

A lot of us already know this, maybe even do it, but I’m more interested in what it does to the social contract you have with yourself.

My writing career is a chicken-egg scenario, not sure which came first. Was I interested or did I become interested after proclaiming I was going to do it?

Either way, I ended up doing it and now won’t change.

I said I was after mastery so many times, that now something in my brain sets off an alarm anytime I engage with activities that move me away from it, even if it’s slight… and I immediately return.

I’ve built my identity around the things I do.

In a way, you’re not just proclaiming what you want to happen– you’re announcing who you’re going to become.

You’re telling the world this is my character and when you do that, it’s near impossible to go back on your word.

Sound strange?

Performance coaches use this same technique to create lasting change. Attacking behavior is temporary, but identity… that’s what lasts– that’s what will have you maintain when no one’s looking.

And that’s what matters.

Where do you want change?

Health, finance, a new career?

Speak it into existence. Make it your identity. First, get clear on who the type of person that has the thing you want is? If it’s health, maybe that’s the type of person who enjoys being active and eating in moderation. Money? This could be the type of person who enjoys tracking and growing their finances.

It’s not about the thing itself, it’s what creates the thing.

Before I became a copywriter, the question was what exactly do they do? I became that, by doing it…. and I only started doing it after I told anyone who would listen, this is what I’m after.

Sure enough, that’s what I got.

Hurtin’ for change? Start chanting my friends, because it looks like for each and every one of us– our word becomes our bond.

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What’s Your Story?

In general, we’re all skilled at explaining.

I guess, it’s just a lot of repetition. And it doesn’t seem to even matter what we come up with, so long as we have a reason.

This isn’t only true for what we tell others, but also what we tell ourselves.

Not nearly talked about as much as it should be, the story we tell ourselves (our self explanations and definitions) determines most of our experiences.

I’m the type of person that ( fill in the blank ).

What comes to mind with that statement? What are some of the first things that pop up? Don’t judge them, record them. Observe.

Your answers to that question are apart of your story. The answers you like, you should develop even more… and those you don’t, delete.

We try to control things we have no say over, but for the things we could easily change at any moment– we never touch.

Why do you think movies and books are so powerful (excluding the shit ones) ?

We’re wired for story, we evolve through story, it’s not only our explanations for life but our direction and guide.

Every single one of us is a meaning making machine.

You need to take ownership if you want something more than a coincidental life. You’ll need to redefine a lot of yourself and your myth.

This isn’t hard to do, but it’s hard to live by.

Even the people who love change will meet resistance, the brain fears what it doesn’t know. That, and deep down, we all love who we are. Before you protest, “not me” understand that every single one of us has changed in an instant when forced to.

But somehow when it’s optional, meh– you pick your current self.

So decide, what’s your story?

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Time Punishes Stagnation

Here, make this promise and never break it: I will always stay moving forward.

I don’t know if it’s how we’re raised, but a lot of us fear the wrong things.

Maybe it’s our upbringing that teaches us to dread making a mistake, so we gradually become cautious.

But over-thinking eats up your years.

The easiest way to waste life is to do nothing. Overall, I am a person without regrets– and to be fair, that’s easy to do when you’re still young. That said, if I were to change anything going back, I’d have acted even faster and with even less thinking.

Time punishes stagnation.

When we’re not moving, life moves right past us and the exact thing we fear happens– we miss out.

We miss out on experiences, potentially fulfilling relationships, and the spice of life itself: FORWARD movement.

Rather than focus on developing our stories, we wonder about stupid things that aren’t our business (is this role right for me? Should I move? Is this person the one? etc.).

The funny thing about change is it comes from tiny, seemingly insignificant actions. When I’ve forced all or nothing changes, such as moving to a new state without any plan or safety net– things changed, but not as much as I thought they would.

When I enacted small, routine changes– like writing and posting daily, and switching to muay thai instead of morning weight lifting, then my life changed in every imaginable way.

It’s bizarre, but it works better smaller.

The reason we waste time is we make decisions bigger than they need to be, we magnify the unimportant and dismiss the action steps.

It’s so much simpler than you think.

What tiny thing can you start today?

And start.

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Always Racing No Where

Do you know what you’re looking for?

…And how can you be sure?

You know you want change, but you haven’t stopped and taken a moment to define what it might look like… and this is where we open the door to suffering.

Right now, there’s tons of opportunity. It’s everywhere, but it’s hard to grasp when you’re racing all over the place.

The reason you feel restless when you’re alone is because you know you’re capable of so much more– so that anxiety isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s actually there to serve as a compass.

But we have to stop.

One thing I’ve learned is running is a habit… if you keep running from thing to thing, you stay in a perpetual state of motion.

Normally, I’d say that’s a great thing– but you need to be able to stop in order to create and the life you want is created.

I think our solution to stress is decompression.

We try to “recover” by forgetting. Sometimes that’s playing video games, watching a movie, hanging out with friends, none of which is a bad thing.

But all too often this becomes our only way of coping… and we never stop running around.

Eventually, you have to commit. You have to go all in on the path before you, this is how progress is made– and it’s also how to create the actual change you’re looking for.

Things become different, when we do.

When I started approaching my role more open and playfully, not only did my skill level develop, but I started gaining more opportunities. The very same role, turned into something better… just by being better.

That’s really the only point of this post: If you want change, start where you are.

Believe me, I don’t love the answer either. But take it from someone who always jumped thing to thing– it’s imaginary. Your escapist thoughts of one day leaving and journeying to an entirely new place aren’t real. What actually happens is you erase all your progress, start over, and now are unhappy… in a different place.

Real change happens in the moment.

So, your challenge is before you. Will you blend into the background of your own life and waste what you have or will you shine and play through it?

It’s your movie, you decide.

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Skywalking With Your Inner Jedi: Manifest Destiny

Human beings are creators.

Locked within each of us is an indomitable spirit, something that can’t be conquered nor controlled, something that evolves through chaos and rises stronger each time from adversity.

But a lot of us will never know this… it just stays dormant.

And this really made me wonder, why do some individuals reach their ideal/potential while others never even get close to making contact?

Each of us has this inner force, and our lives are fulfilled to the extent that we obey it. You can think of it as a soul, personality, your DNA, it really doesn’t matter. But know that this force is very real, it’s your uniqueness trying to incarnate– trying to express itself outwardly.

It’s what makes you an individual.

Most err suppressing it, or by judging it they try and fail to change it.

We can shape a lot about ourselves– our attitudes, our bodies, our minds… but this is something we’re born to, it’s untouchable. It’s bigger than us.

It’s also deeply fulfilling to get close to, and the irony is the harder you look for it the more likely you are to miss it.

In fact, better you don’t. Rather, look at what you’re drawn to.

What is pulling you, and why?

Trying to find the force led me down paths of envy. I wanted externals– random things I measured as success.

Yes, I still want those things. But your force naturally picks tools that will help take you where you need to go.

One of these “signals” for me is this book I constantly re-read and can’t stop re-visiting. It’s worth noting, I’ve never been a reader in my life, and since I’m so hyperactive, it’s actually strange that I can even sit there and read something (considered by others) to be long and dry.

But since finding it, I was deeply hooked.

This book works for me, because it is me. The things you are drawn to, they’re reflections of you. Stick to them, honor them, they are the keys to you making it.

Individuality is a lot simpler than we make it out to be.

Watch yourself, keep a journal and record the things you read, looked at, enjoyed doing. A pattern will emerge– and you need to stay in that very lane.

What you’re doing is walking with destiny, life will reward you for it.

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