People always say “imagine” the life you want to live… and then, go chase it. But the thing they don’t tell you about dreams— you have to be asleep to chase them.
If you watched yourself, and did so without judgement, you’d realize— you’re not what others see or what you imagine.
The person you are is the person who watches you— in fact, you’re so close to it, you almost can’t see them.
But if you do after the moment passes you’ll catch it.
I used to want the life of the popular kid, at least I thought I did. Each time I got it, I never sustained it.
The thing that always ends up being re-launched and sustained is my inner loner self. The person who rises before sun, trains, enjoys growing in the dark, and is detached from relationships.
The reason my life always has these elements is because when I’m not “trying to be” that’s who I actually am.
AND That’s the point.
Build for who you REALLY are, not want to be. That’s the key to succeeding and finding lasting fulfillment.
I wasted time avoiding success by trying to be an image of it. I thought it was supposed to look and feel different.
Turns out, that’s the only true way to never reach it.
Team up with your watcher, instead.