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Month: January 2023

Train the weaker muscles

When it comes to reaching the top— most billionaires will say they got really good at one thing and that’s how they did it.

Most of us wear too many hats, and if you can’t commit to a single hat or cap-less free flowing hair, you need to at least balance your physique.

Train the weaknesses that are stopping you from moving forward.

If you lack discipline, learn habit setting.

If you lack focus, learn how to sit and study.

Forget your strengths and train this way and you’ll naturally be able to use more of what you’re good at it to do more in life.


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Be About It (on the field)

Whatever you do, do it well.

I used to give things the bare minimum effort and that created a weird habitual practice where I’d learn to get by doing this, but for everything.

After awhile— and years of channel skipping, not committing, you learn a major lesson.

Real pleasure, the kind people find fulfilling, that comes from commitment and commitment comes from choice.

What if for the next year, you cared? What if you gave the chapter you’re on, your ALL.

I bet most of your problems would magically disappear and the only thing standing would be you on top of a mountain of achievement.

Do it WELL.


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Change with the seasons

You wouldn’t throw the day away just because it suddenly rained so why do you expect the weather of your mind to be sunny with a chance of 24/7 shine?

It’s our own meanings and labels that decide things.

We suffer because we think we should– as sick as that sounds its true. And a lot of energy is wasted on emotional and unproductive thinking.

If I’m in a fall season, I’ll slow down and catch up on studying, reading, recharging— whatever.

What I’m never doing is being “down” that’s a choice.

If you want change, change for the better.


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How to make everything easy

Yeah, yeah– no one should want an easy life, I know that– so before you hit me with that, “you should hope to get stronger” quote or whatever bullshit, here’s what I mean by the title.

Most things are easy, we over complicate them by dragging them on with years of indecision and over thinking.

If you wanted as close a path as possible to the up and up, the straight line to whatever goal you’re after, make it about the activities not the achievement.

If you wanted to be a doctor, you wouldn’t buy that medical coat first and start waltzing around looking for patients to practice on. You’d first start where an actual doctor did, LEARNING.

Same for business, same for dreams, and same for your goals.

Stop all the motivation, you’re good. It’s irrelevant anyway.

Figure out what daily thing those people work on, and start doing that.


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Don’t Delete Your History

A lot of people dream too much— and that’s exactly how they derail their own lives.

It’s easy to get lost considering all your options and opportunities, theres a lot to choose from.

But the only way to change your life is to pick and stick to ONE.

And I have this problem.

The way I go about solving it is reminding myself how I’ve failed in the past chasing fantasy, I only consider my patterns before making decisions– and this has been the greatest tool for keeping me on the right path.

You need a way to be objective, rational, and to a certain degree, detached.

It’s with this view that you can think clearest and make the right decisions. And the best tool in my opinion? Don’t delete the history….


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The Final Act

Nearly everyone craves improvement– to be an upgraded version of themselves.

What you’re willing to sacrifice to make that a reality is what separates those that do from those that don’t.

But not all sacrifice is equal.

I thought I could role play my way there. I thought if I “acted as if” or “played the part” I’d manifest that life. But that’s not how you become what you’re called to do here.

If you want to answer your call and fulfill your potential, you don’t “act” at all. Sure, you need an open mind and attitude towards your own journey, but who you are— you need to UNLEASH not revise.

Reject outside influence.


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Inspired But Not Eclipsed

We’re all so hungry for success–we do the most human thing possible:

Open ourselves to another’s influence.

You see this with banned influencers or ultra serious go-getter entrepreneurs; their following is made up of people who look and sound like them, but it didn’t start that way.

It’s hard not to let them in—they have what you want, they achieved what you’re after.

The problem with this is when you enmesh their personalities into yours– you give up your own uniqueness and godhood– you give up your individuality.

You go from the potential of being your own sun (self sufficient) to orbiting theirs.

And that’s why you should draw lines and be careful where you allow their influence in. The real goal is to become yourself, the one and only. You can’t do that copying another.


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The Meaning of Your Suffering?

People who suffer from shame, suffer from secret stories.

They built up an internal story around the thing they’re ashamed of— and now, they live in fear from something that no one other than themselves gives a shit about.

Suffering thrives on YOU giving something importance– YOU giving it meaning.

Wanna know how to get rid of shame? REVEAL it. Admit it. Show it. Share it. The second you do and do so with a casual, “it is what it is” attitude, your mind will free you of the thing you fear.

Suffering, like shame, only thrives if we feed it.

Stop trying to change the meaning of things– instead, deem it meaningless by not paying attention to it.

Next time it comes up, just respond: “So?”

And it’ll fade away— allowing you to direct your attention to something that can build you rather than break.


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Seek and Find (But problems)?

You’ll always find what you look for but what you find wasn’t always worth the search.

Here’s a backwards law that’s always true: Harp on something or keep giving it attention and your mind will blow it out of proportion.

If you want to fix something in your life– STOP watering your problems with your attention. Next time your brain tells you that you suck or can’t do something just respond:


It’s not important. Shedding light on shame eliminates it. Recognize your brain is bringing up a nonissue, then dismiss it.

A year of this and the problem won’t be the problem.


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Chasing Imaginary Friends?

People always say “imagine” the life you want to live… and then, go chase it. But the thing they don’t tell you about dreams— you have to be asleep to chase them.

If you watched yourself, and did so without judgement, you’d realize— you’re not what others see or what you imagine.

The person you are is the person who watches you— in fact, you’re so close to it, you almost can’t see them.

But if you do after the moment passes you’ll catch it.

I used to want the life of the popular kid, at least I thought I did. Each time I got it, I never sustained it.

The thing that always ends up being re-launched and sustained is my inner loner self. The person who rises before sun, trains, enjoys growing in the dark, and is detached from relationships.

The reason my life always has these elements is because when I’m not “trying to be” that’s who I actually am.

AND That’s the point.

Build for who you REALLY are, not want to be. That’s the key to succeeding and finding lasting fulfillment.

I wasted time avoiding success by trying to be an image of it. I thought it was supposed to look and feel different.

Turns out, that’s the only true way to never reach it.

Team up with your watcher, instead.


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Recycling Wasted Thinking

The difference between you and the successful person you admire probably isn’t talent or skill.

It’s not that they know something you don’t either– because at one point, they knew exactly what you know now.

The real separator is this:

Those who’ve succeeded LACK something you have (and practice regularly), something you tolerate, they don’t engage with wasted thinking.

The people who succeed, prioritize.

Think about how much of your energy and time is wasted thinking about the same old things— things you can’t change, things that don’t make a difference, things that don’t matter.

If you could turn off your bad traits, your weaknesses, for just 6 months— how much farther ahead would you be?


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Double checking test results

Before you peek over at your seemingly more competent peers test results, realize they’re on a different version entirely.

What’s the most ambitious thing you’ve aimed for? Saying it out loud will make you realize something…

You haven’t been going for it, not really.

I don’t blame you, I blame the programming we’re installed. Even fields with “free thinking” entrepreneurs, they too aren’t very free thinking.

Most of us copy others success models because we don’t bother to come up with our own. You measure a successful business by having retainer clients but you prefer one time transactions?

Stop doing it like others. Build for yourself, as yourself.


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Your job is slow cooking

Today especially, the idea of working a single job or having a career seems dead.

Fact is, things are moving too fast for you to hold onto one role. AI can write poetry, which is great for people like me. Hate sitting and fleshing out details?

You could have the AI write the whole thing and then you go in and sprinkle your twist over the finished product.

Maybe that’ll be a role in the future, AI video script editor?

Point is, you don’t know what’s out there or what you’d love to spend the rest of your life doing. Stack skills and explore instead of “picking” one thing.


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Choosing the right restraints

You’ll see a lot of successful people credit their routines for the positive results they get.

The cold showers, meditation, reading, no listening to music when they run, etc.– theres different layers of extreme.

And it might be true, that might actually be why they’re successful.

But it’s pointless for you.

We need to pick restraints that BUILD our weaknesses, not copy a strangers, otherwise it’s not discipline— its self punishment.

Choose restraints that directly address your gaps and enjoy living.


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Reciprocate The Love

The universe has a funny way of speaking– but it never goes too long without showing you where it wants/needs you.

If you sat down and documented all the times you won in life, what it was you were doing, for who and how– you’d notice, each time it was a similar activity.

And yet, that’s not what most will pursue.

Instead they chase “desires” that they don’t even really like all that much.

If you want to win, just reciprocate.

Where have you been rewarded? Where does life give you returns?

Give your time and effort there.


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How u came is how you’ll go

You can’t take anything with you, you can’t take anyone with you.

Learning to be alone isn’t the lesson, it’s learning what the hell you are. If you’re not comfortable in your own mind then there’s something you have yet to face.

Your voice.

There’s no point in running from what ONLY YOU know needs to be done. In the end, we’ll all have to face up to ourselves, so might as well do it now.

At least this way you have a fighting chance.

Human beings DO come with instruction manuals, we’re just good at reading between the lines.

Do what you KNOW you must or risk throwing it all away.


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keep some gasoline after the bridge

Bridge burning isn’t always a bad thing, a lot of you need forced change– and you’re the hand that needs to force it.

Fate supports the bold not the balanced.

The cost of being “safe and practical” is years added between now and you achieving what you’re after.

You can be uncertain, but never unmoving.

I’ll keep it short.

Save some gas for after the bridge, the same thing that burns also runs— and will get you MOVING forward.


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Scoring for the other team?

You shot your shot, then realized it’s a goal for the other team… now what?

Running back and forth and kicking the ball around with no results is part of the game but if after scoring, those results aren’t something that directly benefit you— take a time out and bench your player.

The things you fantasize about– what you’d like to happen, that’s what you MUST embrace in order to get ahead.

If you’re “winning” but not advancing, not learning, not growing, then you’re not playing for your team— you’re just kicking a ball around.

Be your own hero.

If this ain’t your game, leave and do it immediately.

Only you can score for yourself.


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How You Know without knowing

Every single one of us is born with access to a borrowed intelligence. A unique area where, not only do we get easy returns, but we’re effortlessly skilled here.

The way to first figure out what this is for you is to look at the things you do easily, the things you’re good at but couldn’t teach others.

You don’t know how you know, but you know.

You don’t have ego here, you just do it.

You won’t care about it. That’s a major tell— it’s the thing you almost don’t even respect because you’re so indifferent.

This is your infinite intelligence. For myself, I always knew how to present and frame things, for a family member, it’s connecting with people and helping them get unstuck within a single conversation, and for a friend it’s analyzing minds and making quick decisions off that.

Everyone has this access, but because we’re so indifferent to it we often don’t care or want to use it. That’s the mistake. Using this will enrich your life and lead to the one you want.

Start tapping in and embracing it.


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Stop Refilling Your Order

Book stores are like therapists, the goal is to get you to keep coming.

There’s so much knowledge out there.

From all the books, courses, people you follow, and youtube videos you watch– you could easily waste away thinking you’re doing something just by “learning”.

People lose years doing it. Some their entire lives.

The problem with this is it creates the wrong dynamic.

Gets you in the habit of consuming, when you need to be producing.

The only true way to learn, and to get what you want, isn’t to read more.

It’s to try as many things as possible.

Stop refilling your order. You’re supposed to be lost so that you can explore, and then figure it out as you go– that’s the game. Not find the right mentor, therapist, school, passion, and whatever the fuck you think you’re lacking.


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