Since my Daycare-dwelling-days, I always believed there was something more to life– not just here, but onward and afterwards.
No one convinced me, my parents weren’t religious, and I never talked about it. It was just something I held with me.
But like most of us, as I adulted– I started to lose the magic.
This isn’t a spiritual post, or me talking about some bad ouiji board experience– that’d be cool, but I know better than to ever touch one of those things.
This post is about my grip on reality and yours…
And how we don’t see clearly at all.
The thing that I’m afraid of now is myself.
When I’m clearheaded– it’s so easy to build. All my obstacles disappear and I can focus on what’s in front of me. I mean, damn– I’m a writer, I work remote, I’m finally building towards something and as far as options go– for the first time I have a lot of them.
But this thinking doesn’t last.
I don’t think I’m even close to skilled enough to explain the what, why, and how of my inner saboteur, but I can try.
It always happens, and fast.
I get restless, my mind plays comparison games, and I start to see everything in a negative light: Where I am, who I am, and all the people in my life.
An urge to always start over takes over, and in that moment, It’s like everything in my life becomes something I stand against.
This is why it took me so long to see any kind of success. I was never able to see real life, and that’s why I couldn’t get better of it.
I see ghosts.
Your problems weren’t real, kid.
When I finally realized that, I was able to take control back by relying on systems and now I’m taking it a step further– systems of thought.
You’ll know when you attack your real demons, because the byproduct is progress. You’ll finally break free of the loop you’re stuck in.
It’s funny most of us don’t believe in ghosts– but how much of what you see actually happened?
If you want to break free and gain a new life, you need to get as close to reality as possible. That starts with you realizing you daydream…
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