Take it serious and you lose.
Nothing lasts, not even misery. And since none of this will matter in the end, we might as well loosen up. You don’t have big decisions in retrospect, why suffer?
The only attitude to keep is one of play. Fool around. Guess. Do something just to see what happens, explore.
Nothing is a big deal.
The only thing you accomplish by mentally building up your problems is anxiety, maybe an early onset panic attack… everyone is cool being a side character in their own movie.
That’s weird to me.
Nothing is real until it happens, so why think about fictitious possibilities? Most of us are free to do whatever we want, but we stay doing nothing. Probably because most of us are afraid of the unknown, but the answer to that– is get over it.
Life really isn’t complicated.
When you’re in your head, you suffer. When you’re out in the world, you grow.
Theres your solution.
I was doing it wrong too. But my focus isn’t scale, dreams, and all the Freudian desires advertising has me convinced I need to be fulfilled.
I just want a life, a full life, with a helluva story and the only way to reach that is to fool around. People who take things too seriously are a poison. I was one of them.
They’ll switch the genre of your movie just by being near you. Your comedy/action thriller is converted into a lame soap opera drama— one that no one, not even you, wants to watch.
Since we’ve established nothing matters, and that’s a good thing– where will you go? What will you do?
It’s 2022.
How will you make this your best?
I’m going for it. What would you do if you couldn’t fail?
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