Most people are fortunate enough to NOT know how they’ll respond in moments of crisis. We all watch those movies and wonder what the hell kind of reaction is freezing?
You know those end of the world movies–
where a giant wave is about to wipe a city and some people just stand there staring at the impending doom?
It’s easy to judge in this situation, but it’s the same with our internal storms.
If you stand still the waves will swallow you, but if you ride them– you’ll rise.
There are things we can and can’t change. If your mental landscape is hurricane capitol, you’re not suddenly going to become a calm person who’s chillin and livin’ 24/7.
Ignoring the storm doesn’t make it disappear.
Leveraging it as aqua power is everything. That’s the game I’m playing– I’m constantly looking at how to take my inconveniences and make them work for me.
I talk a lot– and share a lot. So, instead of letting that go to waste, I started creating content (and shifted my career goals to suit my nature). Same thing with my need to move– muay thai.
Everything you do should have a connection to who you are.
Resisting the waves will riptide you away from shore, but surrendering to self-awareness and then swimming with the current will help you make something out of your life.
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