“Trust your gut”
Bet you’ve heard that a lot, and looking back, sure– there were tons of times it was almost psychic like how true it ended up being.
But relying on your gut gets tricky, for one, it’s not something you can summon in times of need.
Ever notice when you’re feeling poopy– tired, overworked, apathetic, you can’t just go “C’mon dammnit, GUIDE ME HIGHER SELF” ?
I mean you could, but that rumble isn’t a sign of anything beyond you needing a snack break.
The problem with the gut– intuition, knowing without knowing, the problem with all of it is it’s unreliable.
Not just with its inconsistency, but at times (if not most times) it’s completely wrong.
Let me explain that for a sec–
I consider myself pretty intuitive. To this day, I still get the unexplainable dreams followed by deja vu moments, the itchy palms before a payday, and the ringing of the ears before a phone call.
On top of that, I’ve always been a believer of the weird.
I don’t know, maybe my ancestors played with spells or maybe we all have this voodoo juju crap in our dna– but when it comes to the material world, this shit is useless and you should leave it fast.
What they don’t tell you about the gut– it hurts more than it helps.
Human beings need reasons, and a lot times, thats what that gut is… a reason, an excuse, usually something to justify the stupid action we’re about to commit.
“I woulda bit my tongue, but they needed to know that was stupid…”
I’m all for adding spice to life. The unexplainable is cool but it has its place, where a lot of us get stuck is we start believing TOO much, and as result– we limit our own free will.
If I believe I’m meant to be a movie director, I close myself off from other options– ones that might be (and in this case are) more suited for me.
If my gut (or delusional brain) play this same recurring fantasy where I live in hollywood hills, race a porsche around the midnight streets of LA, and do big money deals– I’m inclined to ONLY want that.
You want it, but is that what’s right for you?
Given your actual personality and who you are, is that you?
See, I’ve since learned that I only wanted the fantasy not the actual thing. Because in my free time, am I learning about directing? Shit No. Am I making movies? I exist in commercial breaks. But I want it for some reason? Yeah—- you want the ESCAPE.
That’s your gut.
If you want to get ahead, live a life that actually has meaning to you– forget all that legacy bullshit, you have to lift the veil.
We’re all under it.
We’re all intuitive, believers of something more, we all desire better lives.
But the only way to get it is to understand your everyday existence comes from you not for you.
You made this, and the only way to get out and unstuck is to change. Before you can change, you need to see what you’re like.
Why you do the things you do, who the hell are you?
Because if you want success, you’ll need to match your nature, with the right nature.
An environment that rewards who you are.
More on that later, till then–