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Not My Dreams…

It’s weird visiting a place you longed for, only to find yourself a stranger. Your dreams should change as you do.

A younger, more naïve, and rather narcissistic me once craved the false worship of the masses, but now I find myself craving escape.

I look back on who I was and I can’t recognize that individual and that’s something I want to always be able to say.

Don’t be afraid to let go, if something doesn’t fit anymore- leave it.

There is such a thing as floating with a purpose. Don’t sit there and try to have it all figured out, level 1 version of you has no business making plans for level 10.

The best thing I ever did was change. I was never afraid to leave whatever I had, not my ideas, goals, ambitions, not anything.

If you stay untethered and open- you’ll carve out a unique path that evolves as you do.

Stay Foolish.

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