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Practice Seeing Your World

Do you have something you want right now?

Something you’re after?

For me, I’ve always wanted self employment and I thought it’d hit way harder and be way more fulfilling having it.

But you know what?

I just barely started and all things considered, this entrepreneur thing is basically another job.

Only now, your client is the boss.

(Insert feelings of apathy and detachment).

This is how it goes for me.

When the dream comes true and you wake to it, you’ll find all the things left out of the exciting movie trailer are the boring scenes you have to shoot.

And this is where it’s most important you know how to see. I got what I wanted and here I am, looking for greener grass. For us, the way is forward.

Wherever you’ve gotten wins– whether it be some hobby you don’t care about, a skill you possess, whatever— you need to go all in on that. Double, triple, quadruple, on that.

Where does life invite you to do more? Where do you nearly always win?

Go there, practice seeing what life is showing you and you’ll reach it.


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