Hey Fool.
Something I’ve come to better understand as I get older is there isn’t a trophy anyone can give you–
success is defined by you.
I’ve long been against the all-too-common, poisonous advice given by modern culture that we can “DO it all”. Because I don’t think success is something you should pursue for its own sake. Ironically, success isn’t ever the starting point, and trying to “get after it” all the time will only make you a deeply unhappy person… and not a success.
There’s a quote in the movie Fight Club that perfectly summarizes todays problem with culture: Our war is a spiritual war.
The reason we feel empty, unhappy, and disconnected is because we’re not moving around defined.
You don’t know your values, you don’t know your wants, and somehow you figured that internet entrepreneur seems like a good person to copy?
There is no short cut for a meaningful life.
The only way to get it is to define it, and then move towards it. Instead of figuring out how to succeed, figure out who you are– and move towards becoming more.
Success is a byproduct.
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