I’m no expert.
But anytime I hear someone say, “You can do anything you set your mind to” I throw up a little.
Firstly, this is just straight up bad advice.
Obviously, you can’t.
And why would you want to? You’re most likely thinking to succeed, you’ll have to evolve and that’s right. But to succeed– you have to become who you are.
It’s weird to finally be able to see yourself, but when you do– you move towards success. I think the reason most people don’t succeed is they don’t pick the right goals.
If you don’t choose the right goals you’ll end up feeling empty due to a lack of fulfillment or lack the enthusiasm to stay motivated.
You’re picking the wrong type of goals if they are:
- Not in line with your nature (your skills, interests, inclinations)
- Aren’t exciting to you
- Too big and overwhelming
- Unrealistic
Pick a goal that you could see yourself striving for every day that is realistic. You won’t have any trouble staying motivated when your goal is closely connected to who you are.
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