If you don’t want anything, then by all means, just be you.
But the problem with pure, unadulterated authenticity is…
you still suck.
If you didn’t suck, you’d already have what you want.
And yeah, you need to know yourself– strengths, weaknesses, blah, blah, what makes you “you” and all that.
However, you need space to change.
At the same time, you need to feel worth it to yourself and this is where strategic self lying comes into play.
Think of it as being an illusionist.
If you chase your dreams head on, illusion ALWAYS wins— she doesn’t respect the needy, so she’ll swallow you whole in her fantasy world.
These are the friends or family members you know who wanted to be rockstars or entrepreneurs, but suck at their chosen fields.
The people always chasing dreams but never getting anywhere— they are somehow permanently deceived.
This happens when you head directly towards maya (all things dreams, fantasies, even goals).
If you approach her (desire) directly, she will always win and consume you in her web of deception.
So, how do you get the life you actually desire?
Fool her.
Beat maya by using her illusions to your advantage.
You need distance from yourself and your dreams. By letting them go, you’re able to create enough space to see the best route to practically achieve the life you want.
You have to lie… at least initially.
You have to lie to yourself to become worthy in the beginning, but you don’t do this through affirmation or law of attraction. That’s still maya.
You do this through your legend.
You need ROOTS. This is why people spin in insanity chasing fame and fortune, they have no roots to keep them tethered to reality.
The key to using maya, to successfully lying to yourself in order to succeed, isn’t about bullshitting yourself.
You’ll lose doing that.
It’s about creating meaning in your life, by writing your own script.
Reframing who you are and why you’re here.
Rather than chase externals to win them, you have to go internal. You have to create a story that makes sense to you about your own life.
That’s the lie, and the most important one we tell ourselves.
What happened doesn’t matter—
Where you were,
Who you were,
You get to rewrite all of it, and not just get to, you HAVE TO if you want a different life.
So, what story could you tell yourself, what different meaning might there be to your life that could take you to a whole new existence?
Fuck reality.
You decide the meaning of your life.