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Month: May 2022

LIVE LIKE YOU CAME BACK FROM THE FUTURE (How to create a f**king awesome life)

When it comes to lessons from art– the best movies & series have this one concept that always stands out. 

Basically, lame protagonist character who wasted their life gets a second chance, a do-over. 

They go back in time to whatever period of life they waddled through BUT now– with the wisdom of their future self, they go ALL-OUT. 

Suddenly, the circumstances they got hung up on before —don’t matter at all.

Not only that, but they’re leaning into every aspect of life without any reservations. 

What always happens- despite obstacles or their personality traits, they create a FAR BETTER LIFE. 

In their return-to-past, do-over phase, they become the popular expander. 

They improve everyones lives they come across and take on the role of the ego-less hero archetype. 

They have the WISDOM to know that most “problems” won’t last– so they don’t get hung up, stuck, overthinking, and aren’t self-contained. 

They don’t hold back. 

And it always got me thinking: Why can’t we just do that now, and pretend we’ve got the wisdom from our future selves? 

Well, not only can we– it’s actually the key to TRANSFORMING your entire life without changing anything. 

Attitude is what determines the quality of our lives, and not only that– it’s what determines our successes. 

The good life isn’t a condition needing to be met (making more money, changing cities, etc.). 

It’s just LEANING ALL THE WAY IN to the present, and you only do that with the knowledge of knowing this is all coming to an end. 

Think back to your youth, how you wasted it, how you fought over petty things, held grudges over insignificant issues, think back to what you’d do differently? 

Most of us rob ourselves every single day. 

We don’t say how we feel. 

We don’t go for it. 

We don’t tell that person we like them or take that new opportunity. 

We don’t step up or speak up. 

We throw ourselves in the background of the present, because we live in our fearful future focused minds. 

Instead, we should pretend.

Pretend we got a second chance, that this is our past and we returned to make it right– knowing we once messed it all up. 

Now, how will you play? 

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Even the *better Jobs are Stupid (why you can’t fire your problems)

I’m not a fan of the “working for others” concept.

Never was.

I hate watching people sacrifice their individuality to jerk their bosses off and gargle whats left in front of their “peers” (omg they’re so ambitious… 🤢 🤮 ).

And for a long time I was a dumb, broke, social outcast– who hid behind the wantrepreneur idea because of this— and that wasn’t the right answer either.


climbing the 9-to-5 game after being an idiot for so long has definitely leveled me up, with skills and experiences and even socially.

So I won’t say it’s completely worthless, there’s some upfront value. 9-to-5s are the new college— but you gotta graduate sometime.

I was right:


I work with robots who think themselves people.

Sad part is, they imagine they’re innovative– every single one of them. They think they’re bringing something new to the table, and they’re stuck in that weird pimply life phase– where you can’t separate your ideas from who you are as a person…

… so any negative feedback has them gearing up for war (going to their work papa to snitch– manager).

Jobs create fearful environments, no matter the culture.

If you’re afraid of losing something, how can you be creative?

I get we can’t say literally whatever thought poptarts out of our mind– but not even the truth?

I’m not talking about politics, you anti-free speechers.

I’m talking about the CEO’s garbage ideas– or the partners disgusting attention whoring marketing tactics.

I can’t say– your writing doesn’t make any sense, these graphics look like they’re promoting porn print, and our “team-building” meetings are a weird collection of people holding their elbows just people watching.

What if I was hired to fix it?

Nope– it’s still got to be their idea.

Every single one of us needs to have something that can’t be taken– you should be RUTHLESS with it.

The truth is jobs are an easy escape. It’s nice to go somewhere, clock in/ clock out and not worry about hunting for a paycheck.

It’s nice… in the short term.

But the trade offs just aren’t worth it.

No role except the one you carve out for yourself– will let you be an individual. And the only way to be irreplaceable is to be an individual.

So, theres your answer.

You can like what you have, you can hate it– but know that you don’t really have anything. So you might as well commit to something you can own.

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Woke up worthless AND only now am I ALIVE

We’re worthless, actually worthless.

The money we make, garbage we consume, time we waste— all for nothing.

Few of us are self sustaining.

We need.

Friends, family, distractions…

Not to be alone.

Not to be reminded how small we are.

We’ve got our “potential”

The most disgusting word in the english dictionary.

Potential is the fallback self esteem massage to disguise waste. You don’t need disguise.

You have nothing.

Realizing that is the BEST FUCKING THING you could ever do for yourself.

I am nothing. Not special, not chosen, and my life means absolutely fucking nothing to anyone— no one. The people who’d miss me are nobodys— we’re all nobodys who can’t even prove we exist. TF are you taking serious?

You have anxiety because you think something matters— not you?

Realize the gift.

You’re not a blank slate, but you’ve got open road.


Only a nobody, only a nothing– CAN BECOME.

I CHOOSE to become.

I CHOOSE to build.


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It ain’t that deep… (How to wipe away your “big ass” problems)

My adulting has been semi-nihilistic and oddly liberating as a result.

I went from wanting it all and believing in more (as a kid I talked to the sky– #chosenONE shit), to not giving AF and being fulfilled by simpler pleasures: materialism.

Let me explain.

I wanted the personal “why” and I REALLY wanted the big ol’ grandiose “purpose.”

Well… I didn’t really want it, but I liked the idea that my greatness was the answer to this fucked up planet.

AND Damn did I love the idea of everyone having a special calling, something greater to serve, to commit to— ya know, fate and shit.

But those things just don’t move me anymore.

I went down all of those rabbit holes, the ones that were hokey woo-woo, the more concrete scientific and the “laws of universe” bullshit and I can tell you this:

NONE OF IT is the answer.

There is no answer.

It’s all just a bunch of motivational bullshit to convince you to get off your ass and do something.

The truth is, there is no fate.

Theres your start, your end, and the shit sandwich in the middle.

This probably sounds harsh, maybe a little depressing even, but it shouldn’t—because the greatest joys in life don’t come from glamour and illusion, but unplanned surprises and obstacles.

It’s the detours that make the adventure, not the mapped out trip.

We all fall for this idea that we need fixing, we need course-correcting. It’s cool to blame society and fuck it, I’m not above it either– this one is society.

Who the hell said being broken is bad? What the hell does fixed look like? Probably those weirdo-wired up never eating sugar entrepreneur types.

If you like something, do more of it. If you don’t, don’t.

But don’t convince yourself there is some “reason” behind the madness of your life. There isn’t.

This shit is what it is, and yeah– it likes to play unfair.

Match it if you feel inclined, but don’t submit.

It aint that deep, just MOVE.


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Why you don’t need anymore advice…

The e-learning market size is expected to hit one trillion dollars before 2030— so you mf’s are LOST.

Even when you have the answers, you want different answers, better answers, to then sit and do more of nothing with.

I’m guilty of it too.

Who doesn’t want to believe in more? It’s fun to think the stars decide our fate and this is all somehow part of the process.

Maybe theres truth to it. Or maybe you’re just slowly rotting away believing in absolute gobbledygook.

Either way, you should stop listening to other people.

NO ONE gets what they want following others, even if this “guru” is reading your unique personality type, even if theres truth to what they’re saying, you have to follow yourself.

The risk of pursuing the good life is letting go of certainty.

That’s the real reason we like all this personality psychology bullshit so much.

Who doesn’t want fame, wealth, and a life of pleasure? Anything that confirms that is HARD to not follow….

…but nothing can, and deep down everyone knows it.

That’s why we’re all restless, binging series, consuming media nonstop.

You don’t want to sit and feel it.

REAL PAIN is right there, when you realize you’re wasting life.

But there’s good news, its not hard to gain a completely different (& better) life.

I wasted YEARS believing, but it only took a couple dedicated months of action to jumpstart an entirely new career, life, etc.

It’s ironic.

If you knew your fate, you’d never fulfill it. Not because it’s awesome or tragic, but because by knowing, you lose the exploration and that’s the point of it all anyway.

The fact that you want a destination is proof you’re living in the wrong movie.

So, stop with the input.

Move around. Try shit. Explore.

Play the game instead of watching players, and eventually, you’ll have something better than your daily horoscope description.


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Victim of Fate or Legend (How to Choose/change your DESTINY)

Sit and wait for fate and you lose everything…

It’s in every single one of us— the need to look up at the stars.

At heart, we’re all believers and round and round we go into believing whatever “thing” offers us peace.

From a fat man invading your house in December to the idea that life happens more than once, it doesn’t matter.

We need to believe.

But this does come with disadvantages, turns out, believing isn’t so harmless. Actually, it’s what decides the entire trajectory of your life.

Here’s how I see it:

Believe in fate and you default to whatever life decides to hand you or create your own legend and watch reality bend to you.

I used to obsess with my destiny– thinking about why I’m here, what’s my purpose, what am I called to do? I grew miserable AF thinking about this shit and not so ironically, the more I thought about it– the larger the gap between me and whatever it was I thought I wanted.

Following that, I went through my nihilistic goth phase– where everything felt meaningless because I wasn’t the special chosen one my mom led me to believe.

Somewhere between bouncing from hope and despair, the aftertaste of wisdom kicked-in and then I realized its whatever the hell you decide.

Whether there is or isn’t something out there for you is entirely irrelevant, your job is direction not destination.

You need to focus on MOVING.

Not tomorrow, today.

Where you go actually doesn’t matter, just that you are going. Something always turns into something more, but nothing guarantees no more or less than what you started with… nothing.

The point is: too much of YOU doesn’t help you much.

Quit obsessing over me, me, me and refocus on where me oughta be. That’s how you get somewhere you’d rather be.

The choice is always YOURS.

If nothings worked out, make some new mistakes. Try something radically different, forget yourself for a year and “act as if”

You’ll be surprised where it’ll take you and at least you won’t be where you began.


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